Levels of Achievement Criteria Proficient Developing Minimum Performance Unsatisfactory Content & FocusWeight 30.00% 100% Clearly understands content, focused upon most relevant information. And uses best sources of evidence 85% Familiar with content, may not be appropriately focused or does not use best sources of evidence 70% Has some familiarity with content, but lacks focus on most important elements. Sources are tangentially relevant, but not on target. 0% Unfamiliar with content required for participation. Logic and FlowWeight 30.00% 100% Able to present an argument or topic in a logical and organized fashion. 85% Presents an argument or topic in a thorough …
Month: February 2024
Physical Diagnosis II – Reflection Paper
What differences do you note between the two H&Ps? Including the longer History and Physicals that we have had to extend on from last semester, as well as adding differentials and an assessment and a plan, I have included increased clearer details on my the HPI and Review of Systems. Additionally, my social history has been reflecting more relevant and detailed information. In what ways has your history-taking improved? Are you eliciting all the important information? As we got even more exposure to the hospitals and seeing more patients, I’ve noticed the amount of pertinent information grew between my first …
Evidence Based Medicine – Mini-Cat
Public Health Presentation
Health Policy – Health-Related Policy Analysis
To: State and Federal LegislaturesFrom: Ariel NiazovRe: Mandate to Curb the Growing Problem of Road Related Fatalities Statement of Issue: What type of mandate can be passed to curb the growing problem of road related injuries and death? Road related injuries are the leading cause of death in individuals between the ages of 1-54 years old. In 2022 there was an estimated 43,000 traffic related fatalities in the United States which was a 10 percent increase from 2021 that had roughly 38,000 traffic deaths [1]. In that same year (2021), the total motor-injury cost was estimated to be around half …
Biomedical Ethics – Course Project
Overview of The Ethical Concerns Regarding Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Child abuse and maltreatment presents as one of the unfortunate realities that many healthcare providers may come across in their careers. There is a complex ethical dilemma regarding when to report these suspected cases. Healthcare providers must steer the delicate balance between preserving confidentiality of these patients and families, and safeguarding the well-being of vulnerable children. There are several different forms of child abuse, with one of the simplest forms being defined as “The neglect of a child including physical, sexual or emotional abuse” (ChiaChiLiu, 2019). In states like …
Biomedical Ethics – Ethical Argument Essay
In the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the development and distribution of vaccines has been imperative in combating the spread of the virus and minimizing its devastating impacts. While the ethical debate surrounding vaccination is challenging in and of itself, this essay focuses on the importance of COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women. Women who are pregnant are at a higher risk of COVID-19 infection and severe illness versus non-pregnant women. By considering the principles of autonomy and beneficence, we can establish a strong ethical foundation for advocating vaccination among pregnant women, emphasizing the potential benefits and addressing potential concerns. …